Contempt of Court
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Contempt of Court

When a person commits a crime, a judge has can issue a bench warrant. This warrant requires that the defendant be arrested. The most likely reason a bench warrant is required is for failing to appear in court on the set court date. Contempt in court is different from a bench warrant. There a four…

Juvenile Offenses

Juvenile Offenses

When an offender is younger the age of 18, they are often tried differently than adults. Depending on the defendants circumstances, charges can vary. A lot of decisions are based on the crime committed and the circumstances the defendant is coming from. For example, if the juvenile offender comes from abuse or neglect, judges will…

What Happens If a Soldier Is Arrested for DUI?

What Happens If a Soldier Is Arrested for DUI?

A driving-under-the-influence (DUI) charge can have serious consequences, more so for active duty soldiers. A soldier arrested and charged for drunk driving can face both civilian penalties in accordance with state laws and military punishment. If a civilian police officer arrests you or your loved one, paying bail on your own or with the help…

What Kind of Charges Cannot Have Bail Posted for Them?

What Kind of Charges Cannot Have Bail Posted for Them?

Though it’s ultimately up to a judge whether or not you can post bail, there are some charges that often can’t have bail posted for them. If you or a loved one has been arrested for one of these charges, there may be no way that you can get them out of jail until their…

Why Skipping Bail Should Never Be An Option

Why Skipping Bail Should Never Be An Option

Are you thinking about skipping bail? When you skip bail, you fail to show up to court. The court will attempt to find you, as will the bail bondsman. Skipping bail can seem like an attractive way to avoid sentencing, but it has some substantial consequences. Here are just a few reasons skipping bail should…

Common Bail Bonds Terminology

Common Bail Bonds Terminology

If someone you care about has been arrested and is currently in jail awaiting court proceedings, then you may want to help them post bail or bond. The world of bail bonds can be confusing to someone who has never bailed someone out of jail before. While a good bail bondsman will explain the bail…

Your Role as a Co-Signer for a Bail Bond

Your Role as a Co-Signer for a Bail Bond

When a friend or family member has just been booked for a crime, it’s easy to start making decisions quickly. After all, you want them to be home and safe as soon as possible. However, in order to bail someone out, you often need to act as a co-signer. This comes with some important responsibilities…

What Should You Know Before You Contact A Bail Agent

What Should You Know Before You Contact A Bail Agent

When someone you love gets arrested, that can be scary and frustrating. If the judge sets bail, you want to be able to get your loved one out of jail as fast as possible. However, in many cases, bail is so high that it’s impossible to pay on your own; in those cases, a bail…

How Much Is Bail? 5 Factors That Affect Bail Amounts

How Much Is Bail? 5 Factors That Affect Bail Amounts

If you or a loved one has been arrested, you may have to post bail to get of jail until your trial. Whether it’s your first time dealing with the court systems or not, bail can be confusing. How does the judge determine bail? What should you expect? How does bail work in Texas? These…

How to Expedite the Bail Process

How to Expedite the Bail Process

Getting arrested and thrown in jail is not only inconvenient, but it is also embarrassing, scary and frustrating. The good news is that you most likely will not have to stay in jail throughout your court hearings for the charges against you. Instead, you could post bail and get of jail quickly. The bail process…